Aligning Standards, Curriculum, and Assessment
49 minutes 7 Seconds
In this webinar, Joe Crawford shares his proven process for building a viable local curriculum based on the CCSS. He provides participants with helpful tools for mapping CCSS to curriculum, instruction, and assessment and ways to facilitate learning in all students. |
Blogging in the Classroom
Grade Two teachers, Kathleen Morris and Kelly Jordan made this video with their students in 2KM and 2KJ to showcase the educational benefits of blogging. |
Classroom Management
10 minutes 34 Seconds
This video explains a little-used, often-forgotten but very effective classroom management strategy for taking control of really tough groups of students right at the start of lessons. This Classroom Management method is for really challenging, noisy groups that take ages to settle, cost you a lot of time and cause you a lot of stress and frustration. |
Collaborative Team Planning
5 minutes 5 Seconds
This video demonstrates how collaborative teams can work together to improve instructional planning in K-12 classrooms |
Families as Partners
31 minutes 40 Seconds
Dr. Katharine Shepherd, Project Director: Parents as Collaborative Leaders Program and Susan LaVenture, Executive Director of National Association of Parents of Visually Impaired Children (NAPVI) talk about the importance of families being the equal partners in their children’s lives. |
Getting Kids to Read
1 minutes 18 Seconds
Popular author James Patterson discusses his passion for getting kids to read. |
Integrating Technology in an Elementary Classroom
27 minutes 37 Seconds
This video follows an elementary school teacher as she demonstrates how to successfully integrate technology into a curriculum, using the computer as a teaching tool, in order to most successfully engage a classroom of diverse learners. |